Is Your Ex Behind On Child Support? Here Are Some Ways Your Attorney Can Help You


In the ideal world, non-custodial parents would be up-to-date on their child support payments, but unfortunately, that's not the reality for many single, custodial parents. If your ex is behind on child support payments, here's how a family law attorney can help you. Be Proactive In Your Child Support Agreement Whether your ex likes it or not, they have a financial responsibility to provide for their child. If you know that your ex will give you issues when it comes to staying up-to-date on child support, you should talk with your attorney about how to address this in the child support agreement.

30 May 2015

Bills And Probate: A Helpful Guide


After a loved one has died, the property of the deceased goes through a legal process called probate. You may have heard of various methods for "avoiding" probate, but in most cases there will still be a need for probate. Many methods for keeping property out of probate exists, such as trusts, gifts and payable-on-death account designations. Taking advantage of these methods can reduce probate, but there will still likely be a need to file papers with the court.

19 May 2015

5 Tips For Dealing With A DUI


Getting arrested and charged with a DUI is not something that anyone plans for. A DUI is a serious conviction, and many states issue harsh punishments for those who drink and drive. If you have been arrested for a DUI, use the following tips to best deal with the problem: Immediately Consult a Lawyer If you have been arrested for a DUI, it is in your best interest to hire an experienced DUI lawyer to represent you in court.

20 April 2015

Three Possible Grounds For Filing A Motion Of Dismissal


You probably know that a defense lawyer can file a motion to dismiss a case before it is concluded, or even before it starts. However, before you rush to steer your attorney in that direction, know that such a motion can only be filed under certain conditions. Examples of reasons for filing a motion to dismiss include: Insufficiency of Process/Service of Process When you cite insufficiency of process, you are saying that you were served with a defective summons.

10 April 2015

Annulment Or Divorce: Which Is The Right Legal Choice For You?


In the terms of a normal divorce, no one will be able to erase the record of your previous marriage as far as the state is concerned. It makes sense that the state would still have a copy of your original marriage license in addition to your divorce certificate. When two married parties are involved in an annulment, however, all records of your previous marriage disappear as if it never existed at all.

30 March 2015

Settlement-Supporting Negotiations For Financial Security


A settlement is a significant step forward when it comes to getting compensation for a personal injury, but it isn't the end of your financial concerns. The settlement may seem nice--especially if it's for a significant amount of money--but it may not represent your best interests if you look closely enough. Don't sign anything until you're able to assess the benefits in the settlement carefully against your life's needs. Consider a few negotiation points first and contact a personal injury attorney.

26 March 2015

Can You Get Social Security Disability For Anxiety Disorders?


Social security disability benefits are in place to help people who have a medical condition that prevents them from working regular hours. Not only is it for physical conditions, but for mental ones as well. Anxiety disorders are among the mental disorders that may grant you benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA), though you should be aware it can be trickier proving why you need benefits. It is not in place for just anyone with anxiety, but someone who suffers severe symptoms as a result of their anxiety disorder.

26 March 2015